J.M. Kaplan Fund to Award $1.75 Million to Social Innovators - DUE 4/30/19





Today, The J.M. Kaplan Fund is pleased to announce the launch of the 2019 edition of The J.M.K. Innovation Prize. (https://www.jmkfund.org/innovation-prize-2019/ )


The Prize seeks to identify, support, and elevate innovators who are spearheading transformative early-stage projects in the fields of the environment, heritage conservation, and social justice. 


In 2019, we will award up to ten Prizes, each including a cash award of $150,000 over three years, plus $25,000 for project expenses, for a total award of $175,000. Awardees also receive guidance through the Fund and its resource network, providing trainings and tools for ascendant changemakers.

Please help us to spread the word! We need your help reaching innovators in your community. Please consider sharing this announcement with people in your network.

  • Forward this email to exceptional candidates

  • Include information about the Prize in organizational newsletters or e-blast announcements

  • Talk about the Prize on social media using @TheJMKaplanFund and #KaplanPrize

In 2017, we received 1,193 applications from 49 of 50 states. With your assistance, we again hope to hear new thinking and attract high quality applications from innovators across the United States. 


The application deadline is April 30, 2019. Please visit www.jmkfund.org or email jmkinnovationprize@jmkfund.org for additional information. 


Thank you for helping us connect with those in the vanguard of social and environmental progress.


The J.M. Kaplan Fund







The J.M. Kaplan Fund

71 West 23rd Street, 9th Floor

New York, NY 10010




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"Our family goal should be to search for the realization of an ideal society, knowing it is a quest that always eludes man, but one he must compulsively seek."

- Jacob Merrill Kaplan






