[Social Innovation]: 3 Weeks Left to Submit a Big Ideas Proposal!


Win up to $18,000 for your social innovation!


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Only 3 weeks remaining to submit your Big Idea!
Pre-proposal Deadline: November 16, 12pm noon (PT)

Student advisors, centers, and departments, help us spread the word about this opportunity in these final weeks! Big Ideas is an annual innovation contest that provides funding, support, and inspiration to interdisciplinary teams of undergraduate and graduate students who have creative solutions to address important social challenges. Each year, the contest awards up to $300,000 in prizes. Check category and school eligibility here!


Big Ideas Applicant Checklist

Submit a high quality 3 page pre-proposal by doing the following before the deadline!

1. Watch the Info Session and Writing Workshop recordings below to ensure you've covered all rules, requirements, and best practices. 

2. Have a Big Ideas Advisor review your pre-proposal!
We conduct both in-person and remote (Skype) advising, and highly encourage all teams to reach out to us. There are two ways to sign up:

  • Pre-proposal Writing & Advising Workshop
    Tuesday, Nov 1 | 5:00 - 8:00pm PT | B100 Blum Hall or Skype
    Big Ideas Advisors will review your pre-proposals - bring a copy or send it to the team ahead of time at bigideas@berkeley.edu. Sign up for a slot here (remote appointments conducted via Skype). 

  • Regular Advising Office Hours - 100B Blum Hall or Skype/Phone Appointments are filling up quickly! Click on an available slot and sign up for a 1-on-1 advising session with a Big Ideas Advisor to talk about your idea, or have them review a draft of your pre-proposal (or email us if none of these slots work).

3. Take Advantage of our Practitioners in Residence Sessions 
Open to students from all eligible Big Ideas universities - Skype appointments welcome!

  • SPZ Legal Attorneys Hash Zahed and Ryan Shaening Pokrasso
    Focus area: business law, including legal structuring, startup/social venture incorporation, employment compliance, fundraising, trademark and copyright, contract drafting, and nonprofit issues. RSVP for a 30 minute consultation here for Friday, October 28, 12:00pm - 3:00pm or Wednesday, November 2, 9:00am - 12:00pm, space limited.

  • Big Ideas Winner & Technology Well-Being Consultant Tchiki Davis 
    Focus Area: technology for social good, well-being products and services, survey/program and course design/development. Tchiki Davis, M.A., Ph.D., is a consultant for the Berkeley Wellbeing Institute and former Big Ideas IT for Society winner! This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in technology for social good as well as getting insider tips from an industry expert who has gone through Big Ideas! RSVP here for a 30 minute consultation on November 8, 9:00am-1:00pm, space limited.



Past Events

ig Ideas Contest: Information Session

Information Session


ig Ideas Writing Workshop: October 11, 2016

Pre-proposal Writing Workshop

Subscribe to contest updates
Learn more: http://bigideas.berkeley.edu/
Questions? bigideas@berkeley.edu





[Social Innovation]: Calling All Innovators! Big Ideas has Launched for Duke students!


Calling All Innovators!

Big Ideas Contest has Launched for Duke students

The 2016-17 Big Ideas Contest Has Launched!

Big Ideas is an innovation contest that provides funding, support, and encouragement to interdisciplinary teams of undergraduate and graduate students who have creative solutions to address important social challenges. Since its founding in 2006, the competition has inspired over 1,300 student-led projects aimed at solving the world's most pressing problems. Please share this announcement with any students that may be interested in participating!

Universities in US Agency for International Development’s Higher Education Solutions Network (College of William and Mary, Duke University, Makerere University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michigan State University, Texas A&M University, University of California, Berkeley) are eligible to compete in the following 5 categories:


Students receive:

  • Chance to win up to $18,000

  • Extensive feedback from judges

  • Access to proposal writing, budgeting, and skills development workshops

  • Networking opportunities

  • Exposure to topic area experts

  • 6-week mentorship period for finalist teams

3 page pre-proposal submissions due November 16, 12pm PT
Subscribe to contest updates
Learn more: http://bigideas.berkeley.edu/
Questions? bigideas@berkeley.edu

Triangle Discovery Forum $10K Pitch Competition (DUE 09/09/16): Social Innovations to Improve Communities & NC

In partnership with BB&T, the Triangle Discovery Forum will be held on September 21st from 5:30-8:30pm at the Duke Bullpen (215 Morris Street). Its mission is to inspire, support, and develop young social entrepreneurs and innovators across North Carolina.

The Institute for Emerging issues if seeking applications from individuals and teams of young social entrepreneurs (ages 18-30) who are working to improve their communities, and our state, through social innovation. The top 10 teams will be selected to pitch at the Triangle Discovery Forum. The three Discovery Forum winners will be invited to our Leadership Symposium in the spring for a chance to win $10,000 towards their venture.

Brief online application due 09/09/16 at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeUOHOcVDl_jXdYwy3DW4_vuSdxs3mk4Ybm-b1tKFcRgovLzA/viewform?c=0&w=1 

If you have any questions, please contact Maggie Woods at mjwoods2@ncsu.edu or Caroline Dawkins at cedawkin@ncsu.edu.

D-Prize Applications Due 10/03/16 - $20K for Solutions in Global Health, Energy, Education & Corruption

Attention students!

D-Prize wants to award you up to $20,000 to solve the world's global health, energy, education, and corruption challenges. You make up the next generation of social impact leaders and D-Prize want to hear your ideas! 

Check out their Summer 2016 competition, select one of the challenges, and then pitch your two-page idea to D-Prize by October 3. Up to 15 winners will be awarded seed capital and given support to launch a pilot. Join the competition at www.d-prize.org .

Who Should Compete?

D-Prize is for all aspiring entrepreneurs. You may come from anywhere in the world, be any age, and have any background. You must be ambitious, a skilled leader, and ready to work hard to grow your company/NGO for years to come.

We will fund some existing organizations, especially if your organization wants to pilot a new distribution-focused initiative. If you are over 12 months old, have already raised more than $100,000, and are not piloting a new distribution-focused initiative, D-Prize is unlikely to offer funding.


Calling all students -- beat the rush for @thedprize competition and apply early on Sept 19: www.d-prize.org #getfunded

@thedprize is awarding grants to new ventures that distribute poverty solutions! Apply by October 3rd! www.d-prize.org

Looking to get your #bopbiz idea funded? Apply for @thedprize, which awards grants to ventures that distribute poverty-tech!



ACCELERATOR: Apply for $100K Future Cities Accelerator by 9/25/16

Apply for $100,000 and 9 months of support to scale your early-stage organization serving poor or vulnerable populations in U.S. cities!


Unreasonable Institute is teaming up with The Rockefeller Foundation to run the first ever Future Cities Accelerator: a program for highly-scalable early stage organizations with serving poor or vulnerable populations in U.S. cities. Selected organizations receive:


·         $100,000 in grant funding (whether for-profit or non-profit)

·         6-weeks of online training in rapid prototyping from Tom Chi, former UX Lead at Google X,

·         A 5-day intensive bootcamp designed around scaling your organization

·         A mentor team of 3-4 relevant experts advisors

·         9 months of fundraising training and coaching from For Impact, who has raised over $2 billion

·         An executive leadership coach

·         Free admission to SOCAP, the world’s largest gathering of impact investors and social entrepreneurs


Learn more at http://futurecitiesaccelerator.org/ and apply by September 25, 2016.


Reach out to Program Manager Sean at sean@unreasonableinstitute.org with any questions!


James Dyson Award 2016 – International Design Competition (Deadline 7/19/16)

The James Dyson Award is an international student design and engineering competition that is run by the James Dyson Foundation, a global charity which exists to inspire the next generation of engineers. 


The James Dyson Award challenges students and recent graduates of design, engineering and related disciplines to design something that solves a problem. The best invention internationally is awarded $45,000 in prize money, and their university receives $7,500.


We would love to be able to give a global platform to the talented students at Duke University and hope you will encourage them to enter the James Dyson Award by mentioning the competition in your lectures, sending an email to students or advertising on the university intranet. 


More details about the competition and how to enter can be found at www.jamesdysonaward.com. The competition will close on July 19, 2016.  

OpenIDEO's Amplify Agricultural Innovation Challenge (Due 5/2/16)

Around the world, millions of farmers work tirelessly to feed their families and communities. But in spite of their efforts, over 42% of the food these farmers produce is never consumed. Instead, it is lost during harvest, or on the journey from farm to market. The consequences are immense – closing this gap has the potential to feed one billion people and improve livelihoods for farmers. 

For our fifth OpenIDEO Amplify challenge, we are calling on entrepreneurs, NGOs, designers and social innovators to develop solutions that reduce waste and improve the livelihoods of small scale farmers. We are focusing on a few key areas where new solutions can have a big impact, including: improving access to markets, ensuring farmers have access to relevant information, using technology in new ways and financial services. The Amplify challenge calls for entrepreneurs, designers, innovators, and NGOs to submit their ideas. OpenIDEO asks:

“How might we improve the livelihoods of small-scale farmers by reducing food waste and spoilage?”

OpenIDEO seeks contestants who offer new ideas and approaches and who have previous experience in one of the 27 priority countries

From now until May 2nd at 9 am PDT, you can add your idea for a chance to win a grant of between $50,000 and $150,000, and ongoing design support from IDEO.org. Learn more about our challenges here – we hope you share news of this opportunity widely with your networks.

More information at https://impactdesignhub.org/2016/04/14/openideos-amplify-challenge-focuses-on-agricultural-innovation/ 

USAID HESN TechCon 2016 Innovation Marketplace

Students and young professionals around the world are forging new solutions to global development needs. By applying novel approaches to Science, Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (STIP), these innovative projects challenge existing assumptions and advance our understanding of what works in global development. The Innovation Marketplace, hosted by the U.S. Global Development Lab, will showcase the talent of students and young innovators who are using STIP to tackle global challenges.

The Innovation Marketplace will take place on November 10th –12th on MIT’s campus, as a feature of the US Agency for International Development Higher Education Solutions Network’s (HESN) TechCon 2016. Throughout the course of the competition, individuals or teams of students, young professionals, or postdoctoral researchers will have the opportunity to gain exposure, build support for their innovative product, service, or research, receive technical feedback, and practice their pitching skills. Although all accepted applicants will be able to attend TechCon, one winner from each category will go on to receive the grand prize after the final round.

 Visit tiny.cc/InnovationM for links and guidelines.