J.M. Kaplan Fund to Award $1.75 Million to Social Innovators - DUE 4/30/19





Today, The J.M. Kaplan Fund is pleased to announce the launch of the 2019 edition of The J.M.K. Innovation Prize. (https://www.jmkfund.org/innovation-prize-2019/ )


The Prize seeks to identify, support, and elevate innovators who are spearheading transformative early-stage projects in the fields of the environment, heritage conservation, and social justice. 


In 2019, we will award up to ten Prizes, each including a cash award of $150,000 over three years, plus $25,000 for project expenses, for a total award of $175,000. Awardees also receive guidance through the Fund and its resource network, providing trainings and tools for ascendant changemakers.

Please help us to spread the word! We need your help reaching innovators in your community. Please consider sharing this announcement with people in your network.

  • Forward this email to exceptional candidates

  • Include information about the Prize in organizational newsletters or e-blast announcements

  • Talk about the Prize on social media using @TheJMKaplanFund and #KaplanPrize

In 2017, we received 1,193 applications from 49 of 50 states. With your assistance, we again hope to hear new thinking and attract high quality applications from innovators across the United States. 


The application deadline is April 30, 2019. Please visit www.jmkfund.org or email jmkinnovationprize@jmkfund.org for additional information. 


Thank you for helping us connect with those in the vanguard of social and environmental progress.


The J.M. Kaplan Fund







The J.M. Kaplan Fund

71 West 23rd Street, 9th Floor

New York, NY 10010




Stay Connected


  Follow us on Twitter  https://files.constantcontact.com/fe513009401/a0a9a675-74b1-40fe-b502-ec3c6ce6967b.png


"Our family goal should be to search for the realization of an ideal society, knowing it is a quest that always eludes man, but one he must compulsively seek."

- Jacob Merrill Kaplan









WANTED: Environmental Entrepreneurs! NationSwell and Toyota "Vehicles of Change" Competition - Apply by July 10, 2018

NationSwell and Toyota are teaming up again to find the 2019 Vehicles of Change. We’re searching for 10 innovators who are rejecting old rules, creating change and protecting the planet.

If you’re an entrepreneur working to build better environmental solutions, we want to hear from you.
Entering takes less than 5 minutes and is time well spent: Finalists win up to $50,000 in grant money, $100,000 in video coverage and $50,000 in editorial coverage.  

Enter the Vehicle of Change contest before July 10th, 2018 at 11:59pm EST.

(Not an entrepreneur but know someone who is? Nominate them and NationSwell will reach out directly.)




American University of Sharjah - New Venture Challenge




Dear Sir/Madam,

American University of Sharjah, one of the Middle East’s top-ranked universities, is delighted to announce its inaugural AUS New Venture Challenge which is under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Ruler of Sharjah.  We are inviting graduate students from all around the world to take part in this event.
This exciting competition is set to be the Middle East’s most prestigious hard science investment competition, giving graduates the opportunity launch their start-up idea through the provision of funding and mentoring from successful entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and investors.
The New Venture Challenge will take place in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, February 3–5, 2019, bringing together the world’s best and brightest entrepreneurs, working in teams, to showcase their ideas.
Facts you need to know:

  • Participants compete for a generous prize pool to fund their start-up

  • Prize money can be doubled if the idea is taken up by the Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park: www.ause.ae/initiatives

  • The competition has a hard science focus

  • Teams have a maximum of five participants

To find out more, or register your interest, visit https://nvc.aus.edu/
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in contacting us.
If you are not the appropriate contact for this invitation, we would be very grateful if you could forward it to the right personnel and copy us on the email so we can update our contact list.

Karen Leschke
Project Coordinator
AUS New Venture Challenge


Mobile Tech for Social Good (UNCHARTED) $10K + Accelerator: DUE 05/23/18

Uncharted is searching for US-based nonprofits using mobile tech for social good. Each selected organization will receive $10,000 in grant funding, an all-expenses paid trip for two leaders to a five-day in-person summit in Denver, six months of guidance from mentors, an executive coach and a fundraising coach, pro-bono financial modeling, and an all-expenses paid travel and lodging for two leaders from each winning organization to a funding summit. If you're interested read more at https://uncharted.org/program/mobile-tech/  or reach out to joe@uncharted.org


Urban Drinking Water Challenge 2018 (Imagine H2O) - DEADLINE 07/02/18



Matthew T.A. Nash

Managing Director, Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship 

Duke Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative
The Bullpen, 215 Morris Street, Suite 300, Durham, NC 27701

919.660.7791 (office) | mnash@duke.edu


www.entrepreneurship.duke.edu |  www.DukeSocEnt.org

@nashcase   @DukeSocEnt   @EshipAtDuke 


Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE)

Social Entrepreneurship Accelerator at Duke (SEAD)

www.CASEatDuke.org   www.DukeSEAD.org

@CASEatDuke   @DukeSEAD  


From: <no-reply@vrmailer3.com> on behalf of Imagine H2O <scott@imagineh2o.org>
Reply-To: "connect@imagineh2o.org" <connect@imagineh2o.org>
Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 3:19 PM
To: Matthew Nash <mnash@duke.edu>
Subject: Special Announcement - New Global Challenge 




Imagine H2O



May 2, 2018



Solving Water Scarcity through Innovation



Urban Drinking Water Challenge




Imagine H2O’s Urban Drinking Water Challenge 2018 will source and deploy water technologies advancing resilient drinking water solutions in fast-growing cities globally. The Challenge's Founding Partners,  11th Hour Racing and Bluewater Group and have committed up to $1 million in cash awards and investment to three overall winners. 


The Challenge aligns with U.N. Sustainable Development Goal 6, or SDG6, which calls for universal access to safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030. The winning startups will be honored at a special event held during Stockholm World Water Week August 26-31, 2018.  



Challenge Areas

Water technology startups addressing these areas are encouraged to apply 



Alternative Supply


Decentralized, capital efficient and sustainable solutions to develop and augment urban drinking water supplies 

Distributed Access and Delivery


Scaled technologies and innovative business models supporting decentralized drinking water purification and distribution systems  

Ecosystem Health


Solutions empowering cities to monitor and manage environmental health of waterways and ecosystems affected by water contamination








Deadline to apply is July 2nd, 2018







Upcoming competitions

Invention prize: Lemelson-MIT Student Prize applications open

The Lemelson-MIT Program is searching nationwide for the most inventive college students to compete for the 2018 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize

Applications are due by September 29, 2017. If you’re interested in applying or referring a student, please find further details on the application process and past winners here.


The invention competition is open to teams of undergraduate students and individual graduate students nationwide across four categories:

  • “Cure it!” for students with tech-based inventions that can improve healthcare

  • “Drive it!” for students with tech-based inventions that can improve transportation

  • “Eat it!” for students with tech-based inventions that can improve food and agriculture

  • “Use it!” for students with tech-based inventions that can improve consumer devices

Winners receive:

  • $15,000 to each winning graduate student

  • $10,000 to each winning undergraduate team

  • National media campaign

  • Exposure to investment and business communities

  • Trip to MIT for an award celebration in June 2018


Triangle Health Innovation Challenge

Bringing together the Triangle’s best to build innovative solutions for improving healthcare. 

September 15- 17

Trent Semans Center for Health Education, Durham

See details at http://www.thincweekend.org 


Global Accelerator Learning Initiative launches first ever student competition

On September 18th, we’ll officially invite undergraduate and graduate students to answer a key question for the field of entrepreneurship by analyzing our unique, global dataset on early stage entrepreneurs. The winning submission will be published on www.galidata.org  and will be awarded a prize of $2,000. Plus up to two runner-up submissions may be awarded %500 each. The competition is open to individual and team submissions from universities around the world. Competition guidelines will be released on September 18th, and then submissions will be due November 3rd.  Global Accelerator Learning Initiative 


USD’s Center for Peace and Commerce Global Social Innovation Challenge

Colleges/universities world wide are invited to join the University of San Diego in the 8th year of student-driven social innovation. Can you imagine students from your university competing in sunny San Diego for $50,000+ in seed funding for their social venture while growing their global community of like-minded changemakers? USD provides the platform, a curriculum, and a global competition. Participating universities provide the students who are passionate about shaping a better world! Check out the website or schedule a call for more information. 


15th Annual Global Health & Innovation Conference, 

April 14-15, 2018 | Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut

Register for the Global Health & Innovation Conference by August 31 for a highly reduced registration rate (50% lower than regular). The Global Health & Innovation Conference at Yale, is the world’s leading and largest global health conferences as well as the largest social entrepreneurship conference, with 2,000 professionals and students from all 50 states and more than 55 countries. This must-attend, thought-leading conference convenes leaders, change makers, professionals and students from all sectors of global health, international development, and social entrepreneurship. 


Katherine Black

Program Coordinator, Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Duke Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative (I&E)

www.entrepreneurship.duke.edu | @dukesocent


SUBSCRIBE to the Duke Social Entrepreneurship Listserv (events, news, resources): 



Blog of SocEnt internships & fellowships



Blog of SocEnt full time jobs



Blog of SocEnt competitions



Join our SocEnt Facebook group: 



Request to join the DukeGEN Social Entrepreneurs Network: 


GALI student competition - launches September 18th

The  Global Accelerator Learning Initiative will be launching our first ever student competition. 


On September 18th we’ll officially invite undergraduate and graduate students to answer a key question for the field of entrepreneurship by analyzing our unique, global dataset on early stage entrepreneurs. The winning submission will be published on www.galidata.org and will be awarded a prize of $2,000. Plus up to two runner-up submissions may be awarded $500 each.


The competition is open to individual and team submissions from universities around the world.  We’d love for you to distribute this opportunity to students, faculty, and others in your network who may be able to help us get the word out.   The timing for this is to release the question and competition guidelines on September 18th, and submissions are due November 3rd.  We’re welcoming undergrad and grad students to participate.  

University of San Diego: Global Social Innovation Challenge

USD’s Center for Peace and Commerce Global Social Innovation Challenge

Colleges/universities world wide are invited to join the University of San Diego in the 8th year of student-driven social innovation. Can you imagine students from your university competing in sunny San Diego for $50,000+ in seed funding for their social venture while growing their global community of like-minded changemakers? USD provides the platform, a curriculum, and a global competition. Participating universities provide the students who are passionate about shaping a better world! Check out the website or schedule a call for more information. 


Explore data on accelerators and early stage enterprsies at www.galidata.org

Register now for the ANDE Annual Conference – September 25 – 27 near Washington, DC!

Looking for something great to read? Check out our latest State of the SGB Sector impact report.


Nat Geo's CHASING GENIUS Challenge - submissions close Aug 15

Submissions close August 15th 

Nat Geo’s CHASING GENIUS is a new initiative built on the premise that transformational ideas can come from anywhere and anyone. We are currently soliciting ideas—big and small—around three critical issues: sustainable planetglobal health, and feeding 9 billion. We will provide $25,000 to each of four winners to develop their ideas further.  

Learn all details about The Challenge at http://www.natgeochasinggenius.com/challenge 

#ChasingGenius @NatGeo. Submissions close August 15th. 

[Social Innovation]: Calling all Duke students! Final deadline to apply for CGI U is May 1



Calling all Duke students!


CGI U is proof that young people have the power to make a significant impact by confronting some of the world's most urgent challenges. 


Apply now to attend CGI U 2017 at Northeastern University, which will take place from Friday, October 13 - Sunday, October 15, 2017. CGI U is President Clinton’s initiative to engage the next generation of leaders on college campuses around the world. Each CGI U student must make a Commitment to Action: a specific plan of action that addresses some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Last year, we brought 27 students to CGI U at Berkeley.


The final application deadline is Monday, May 1, 2017.


Duke University a member of the CGI University Network and has modest funding available for students accepted to CGI U 2017. If you are accepted by CGI U, we will follow up with you about said funding. Students selected for CGI U 2017 may also be eligible to receive seed funding to support their projects through CGIU.


To find out more about CGI U:

join CGI U for a weekly webinar at www.anymeeting.com/cgiu1


Any other questions? Contact:

Aashna Aggarwal, Duke’s CGIU Campus Rep, aashna.aggarwal@duke.edu                         

Katherine Black, Dukes University Network Liaison and mentor- Katherine.black@duke.edu


* The meeting is open to currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students.